What's New at Gealach Mor
Gealach Mor Seppala Siberians
Working sleddogs - just for the love of it..............
21 June 2005 Summer seems to have finally arrived in Scotland - the sun has been shining for a few days at last. The dogs are feeling the heat but at least we seem to have groomed out the last of the winter coat from them all.
12 April 2005 After our racing season in the States, it was nice to get home on the 18 March and be reunited with the rest of the dogs. 10 of our race dogs made it safely home but Vader had a problem with his microchip and had to go into quarantine while we tried to get the problem resolved. After an Xray to locate the chip and surgery to remove it, the chip was sent back to the manufacturer and they have eventually managed to extract the vital information. It has just been confirmed that Vader can be released and he is now on his way home.
24 September 2004 Gealach Mor Siberians are off on the adventure of our lives. To read about our winter of excitement please click here
Tuesday 18 October 2005 After only 4 days of illness, Oakley died at 4.00 am. He was at the Edinburgh Unversity Vet School on an IV drip and being treated for an unknown disease.
Now, some 3 weeks later, the results of his post mortem have come through and we can stop worrying that it was something contagious that could have gone through our entire kennel.
It seems he had systemic histiocytosis - a kind of leukemia.
Oakley -- my lead dog, my friend. May you run free and never get into trouble for stealing things ever again.
Gwaihir Sharmichutkha aka Oakley
31 July 1996 - 18 October 2005
Thursday 24 November 2005 Following a routine operation, BB developed peritonitis and despite the best efforts of all at our own vets and the intestinal specialists and surgeons at the Edinburgh University Vet School, he could not be saved. By the end, all we wanted to do was to stop him having to suffer.
Coming so close to the loss of Oakley, BB's death seems doubly hard to bear. Such a young dog, full of the promise of youth, with such a great first working year behind him. He is a huge loss to our working kennel - but an even greater loss in our lives and hearts.
BB, my young leader, explorer, adventurer and campfire companion.
Gealach Mor's Beebe (BB)
5 Sept 2003 - 24 November 2005
11 January 2006 After what seems like an eternity, we are delighted to welcome home our newest arrivals. Inka and Nadia are a pair of delightful, hardworking AKC registered Seppala Siberians purchased from Chatanikas Kennel in Michigan, USA.
We are looking forward to incorporating them into our pack, our team and our lives.
It is good to finally have some better news to post on our site after the struggles through the autumn.
Welcome to Inka and Nadia
Click here to see our archived news items

August 2014 5th year anniversary of moving to Alaska. Still loving it, still having fun - still writing about it in the blog. Keep up to date with our news and
August 2009 Just in case you haven't realised - we've moved home - we now live in Willow, Alaska
January 2008 More weather - yep, it finally snowed and some difficult health news.
November 2007 A late start to training and updating the website too. Our first race of the season (and my first
attempt at co-organising)
Summer 2007 We tend to let our dogs have the summer off - so not much news there, but we do have a new puppy.
March 2007 The end of winter, the last race of the season for us and a win.
January 2007 - USA - here we go again. will there be enough snow for the Beargrease?
November 2006 - We should be in full training mode - why am I going on vacation? And what's that rather wriggly item of hold baggage?
October 2006 - Training logs can make interesting or despairing reading sometimes. More training tales, a new dog van and our first race of the year.
September 2006 - It's supposed to be autumn, the time of year when we think about starting to run the dogs again. In that case, I'd better set the alarm clock.