Gealach Mor Siberians
Working sleddogs - just for the love of it..............

October dawns - will cooler weather follow?
Training has been going reasonably well, regular trips over to Aberfoyle running teams varying size from 6 to 10. It's been cool, rather than cold, wet - as ever at Aberfoyle.
Racing in the UK always seems to start earlier and earlier each year. Not being interested in the sprint racing that is so prevalent in this country, I don't feel at all concerned at missing the racing scheduled for 14 and 15 October down in the southwestern corner of the country.
A couple of weeks later, we did head north to Culbin Forest near Inverness to run at the SDAS event on 28, 29 October.
Not exactly covering ourselves in glory, mishaps seemed to be the order of the weekend - my leaders continue to debate the wisdom of following simple instructions at each turn. On the second day, I missed my start time and we went out 40 seconds late. In a 3.8 mile sprint race - that's a LONG time......... Rather sadly, we actually ran quicker that day.

Harry and Teague lead my team home