Gealach Mor Siberians
Working sleddogs - just for the love of it..............
1 - 3 October    We attended Mushing Boot Camp run by Jamie Nelson and Ann Stead, both very well known mushers, racers and fantastic dog trainers.
This was a huge eye opener for me, a rude awakening for the dogs, after their first week of lazing about their new kennel, and the steepest learning curve for all of us.
I could never have imagined standing on my rig behind a 5 dog team, hemmed in all sides by 8 other dog teams and feeling quite so relaxed about it all.
At the close of the camp, we left feeling rather stressed, completely knackered, stuffed full of knowledge and burning with desire to get it right for these wonderful dogs.

I'd like to give a huge vote of thanks to Ann and Jamie, to everyone at that Boot Camp and especially to my "handler" Vicki Daitch, who left her husband to look after their 12 Malamutes so she could guide me through my rookie camp.
Vader and Milloy lead the team on a training run
Vicki hard at work, acting as ballast in the rig's seat.
Setting off - jogging beside the dog team
Stressed? Try getting 20+ dogs to stand patiently.....
Early morning run, for me as well as the dogs, it seems.
Multi team parking.